Map/Oregon/North Bend

North Bend personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $89,619

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $70
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $262
ENERGY Electrician $1305
ENERGY Door and Window $12
ENERGY Insulation $2300
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $70
ENERGY $3250
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $15500
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings

North Bend

North Bend, OR, located on Coos Bay, is renowned for its stunning dunes and outdoor recreation. Established in 1903, it features the historic McCullough Bridge and hosts fun events like the July Jubilee.

incentives available in North Bend for...
energy icon


In North Bend, OR, the energy sector is primarily focusing on sustainable practices through the integration of renewable energy sources, especially harnessing wind and solar power. Efforts to improve energy efficiency in buildings are gaining traction, with many residents and businesses participating in incentive programs that encourage the installation of energy-efficient lighting, appliances, and heating systems. The city is also exploring the use of smart grid technologies to optimize electricity distribution and reduce peak demand stresses. Investment in renewable energy research is evident, as North Bend is looking to decrease reliance on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Local utility companies offer rebates for customers who choose to install energy-efficient solutions, driving the adoption of cleaner energy practices within the community.

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Water efficiency in North Bend is a priority, with the city investing in infrastructure to reduce water loss through leaks and aging pipes. The water treatment systems are being upgraded to ensure clean and safe water for all residents while also being efficient in terms of energy and water use. Rainwater harvesting is encouraged among homeowners, with educational resources available to help implement such systems. The city is also promoting water-wise landscaping to reduce outdoor water consumption. Incentives for installing low-flow toilets and showerheads in homes and businesses are part of the water conservation push. Stormwater management practices are in place to mitigate runoff and pollution, protecting the local watershed.

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Transportation in North Bend is progressively becoming more efficient, with a push towards greener modes of transit. The city is enhancing public transportation services, making them more reliable and convenient to reduce car dependency. Bike lanes and walking trails are expanding, encouraging non-motorized transport. Electric vehicle charging stations are becoming more widespread, with incentives for businesses and multi-family housing units to install these facilities. Through grants and government programs, North Bend is looking to renew its fleet of public vehicles to electric or hybrid models, further committing to reducing transportation-related emissions. The city's urban planning strives to create a more walkable and bike-friendly environment, ultimately aiming to reduce the overall carbon footprint of its transportation network.

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Waste management in North Bend is adopting a more circular economy approach, aiming to minimize waste and maximize resource recovery. The city provides comprehensive recycling programs to divert waste from landfills, including curbside pickup of recyclables and yard waste. Residents are encouraged to participate in composting initiatives, both at home and through city-facilitated programs, to reduce organic waste. E-waste collection events and hazardous waste disposal services are periodically organized, aiming to responsibly manage difficult-to-dispose-of items. Businesses are incentivized to adopt waste reduction practices through tax credits and recognition programs. Efforts to educate the public about reducing, reusing, and recycling are a significant part of North Bend's waste management strategy.